Bucklin Trail

Bucklin Trail
5.4 miles
3 hours
Start: Mount Vision Parking Lot
End: Mount Vision Parking Lot
Includes: Mount Vision Trail, Bucklin Trail


Hike 25
May 29, 2013
Paige of Cups

The Paige of Cups shows a colorfully dressed young man peering at a fish emerging from a golden cup. It symbolizes a willingness and ability to inquire into the sea of emotions.


I went on a hike of the Bucklin Trail in my new shoes on Wednesday, since I was going to the spa on Friday for my birthday.


It was foggy on Mount Vision; the pines were covered in dew.


Dropping onto the dirt trail, I discovered a field of bunnies. I wished Desmond were with me. He loves cute bunnies!

The wet forest was a haven for salamanders and banana slugs. I had to watch my feet to keep from squishing anyone.


Wildflowers bloomed in beautiful bouquets.


The sky began to clear as I got to Muddy Hollow Road. What had been a bank of fog was now a beautiful vista, Limantour Estero and Drakes Bay in the distance.

I was so happy with my new shoes. It was like hiking barefoot without the ouch!

Emotions are useful. They indicate the degree to which our needs are being met. If we are aware of them they are useful. If we are not, they control us. Once we become aware, we can consciously seek to fulfill our needs.

The quiet of Inverness offers opportunities for awareness to grow. The quiet can be challenging, offering little chaos or drama to hide in. I import most of mine through Netflix.

My vision is to walk in peace and carry that peace into the world no matter how crazy it gets. I understand this is a task of mastering myself, understanding what I need to be happy and well, so I might be of service to others.

The walking helps. With nothing but the sound of birds and my own breath, I reach a still point. Life clangs noisily somewhere, but where I am is quiet.

We need nature to remind us of this quiet state. If we lose contact with nature our baseline is established upon a cultural fabrication. This leaves us trying to build a life on the shifting sands of human caprice. Nature gives us a solid base. When we feel peaceful, we are better able to propagate peace.


Bayview Trail


Inverness Ridge Trail