Ocean Lake Loop Trail

Ocean Lake Loop Trail
11.5 miles
6 hours
Start: Palomarin Trailhead
End: Palomarin Trailhead
Includes: Palomarin Trailhead, Coast Trail, Ocean Lake Loop Trail, Wildcat Camp, Wildcat Camp Beach

Hike 54
December 10, 2013


Wow! This was a cold start. Originally I went to Five Brooks to walk over the ridge to Ocean Lake Loop Trail. It was so cold my feet turned to ice. Instead, I drove to Bolinas and the Palomarin Trailhead. I was pleasantly surprised by how much the morning sun had warmed the earth. The day was beautiful.

I headed north on the Coast Trail. The ocean views were bright and clear.


Although the day was warming, ice still stood in puddles along the trail.


Bass Lake was subdued in muted hues of blue, brown and green.


Pelican Lake was a sparkly jewel.


Continuing on, I entered the uncharted territory of Coast Trail beyond Alamere Falls.


Ocean Lake Loop Trail kept me close to the coast as I headed north toward Wildcat Camp. Ocean Lake appeared more of a reedy bog than a lake.


Just before Ocean Lake Loop Trail turned inland, a bench was situated with, perhaps, the most spectacular view of the California coast known to mammalkind. In stunned silence, I sat allowing the clear light of sky and sea to enter my eyes and find its way to every cell in my body. When I stood to continue, I was shimmering from the inside out: new.


A ways down the trail, Wildcat Camp sat empty except for one small tent. This is the place I missed my camp-out a few weeks ago due to a soggy sleeping bag. I shall return to camp again!


Wildcat Camp Beach was a very short hike. A fresh water creek snaked its way to mother ocean: sweet and salty blending perfectly to create the cocktail for all of life.


The coastline open into a dazzle of smooth sand and a view of the rocky cliffs where I was reborn less than an hour ago.


I took the Coast Trail back instead of the Ocean Lake Loop Trail and found the real Ocean Lake. From the mirror blue depths siren-song beckoned me to swim. Chilly cheeked, I pulled my hat snugly over my ears and called out "Next time!"


The day warmed as it wore on. This was a long hike! I was happy to finally stump my sore feet to my car, sip water and reflect on the wonders I had seen. I had found my new happy place.


Palomarin Trail


Kule Loklo Trail