Point Reyes Tarot Journey begins on Winter Solstice


The Point Reyes tarot journey begins on winter solstice - December 21, 2012.

I will begin the fool’s journey across Point Reyes peninsula with a walk from the Pierce Point parking lot to the tip of the point and back. The round-trip is around 9 miles.


This will begin our season-long inquiry into the nature of happiness. Happiness is cultivated in the relationship we have with ourselves.

The tarot suit of swords represents this relationship (e.g. thoughts). We will ponder a new card in the swords suit each week as we work our way along the trails and through the winter.

Trash Clean-up

As I walk, I will pick-up trash. The mission of the Point Reyes tarot journey is to find solutions to the problem of trash. This means picking it up and also inquiring into the process by which it was created in the first place.

Everything existing on the planet which was created by humans first existed as a thought. By inquiring into our thoughts we go to the source of the problem. If we can uncover what we were thinking that led to creation of trash, perhaps we can change our thoughts and create something more desirable.

We will use each new card to further develop our inquiry into the nature of happiness - defined as our relationship with ourselves. The goal is to understand how we might fulfill our need for happiness in healthy, non-trash producing ways.

Join the Point Reyes Tarot Journey

If you are interested in this process, please subscribe to the blog by entering your e-mail. You can follow along and see what we discover and perhaps join us on a walk.

By the end of 2013, we will have walked the entire length of the Point Reyes peninsula and all of its 150 miles of trails. We start in winter in the north and end in the south near the town of Bolinas.

I am so excited to begin!


Tomales Point Trail