Randall Spur Trail
Randall Spur Trail
3.3 miles
2 hours
Start: Olema Valley Trailhead South
End: Randall Spur Trail
Includes: Olema Valley Trail, Randall Spur Trail
Hike 42
October 18, 2013
Three of Pentacles
Randall Spur Trail runs between Highway One and the middle of Olema Valley Trail. Piro and I started this hike at the lower entrance to Olema Valley Trail, near Dogtown. The trail starts in open grass and heads for the forest.
Upon entering the forest, we encountered our first obstacle, Pine Gulch Creek. Small logs were strewn in among big rock giving us just enough surface to tiptoe across without getting wet.
We conversed through field and forest, pausing at the next crossing of the same creek. It was deeper and entailed a short tightrope walk. Using a stick for balance, we traversed without incident.
This was an easy hike, through mostly flat valley forest.
We encountered Redwood trees. Piro hugged one; we all let out a sigh, oxygen turned to carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide to oxygen, a perfect system.

From below, the forest offered steps formed from roots and from above salmon-red berries about to burst.
We made it to Randall Spur trail and headed the .4 miles to the highway.
Randall Spur Trail is really more of a gravel road. Piro sat to pluck blackberry prickers from her feet and put on her shoes.
After that, we headed to Bolinas for lunch at the Coast Cafe. It was a great outing.
The three of pentacles shows three guys conferring over the construction of a cathedral. One guy is building, one is dressed as a priest and the third guy holds the plans for construction.
Creation is a collaborative effort. In the case of the cathedral, the builder, architect and priest all rely on each other to complete the project. Each person has a specific job, but none of the three could complete this project without the others.
In the creation of any physical object a non-physical idea is manifested into a physical reality. The priest pulls ideas from the ether. His role is to envision an object which will fulfill a stated need of his congregation. He then communicates the idea to the architect.
The architect takes the idea and translates it into human terms. He uses his mind to work out every detail of the physical manifestation. He uses his blueprint to communicate with the builder.
The builder takes the detailed plans and works to manifest the ideas in physical reality.
As humans, our ability to do this is awe-inspiring. Unfortunately, the environmental problems we have now are the result of using this ability with short-sighted planning. We have accumulated useless cultural artifacts to the point of harming our ecosystems.
The good news is, we can use our awesome abilities to create whatever we can dream. What we need now is to change the dream. I dream of a thriving planet with healthy earth, air and water. I dream of restoring peace to our minds and our bodies. I dream of a world where each of us remembers that we are the earth. Everything that happens to the earth, happens to us somewhere down the line. I dream of remembering who and what we are and manifesting our ideas according to life-affirming values for all of life.
I dream this; I am learning to plan and enact my plans accordingly. The result is a manifestation of the world according to my dream. That is seriously awesome!