Sunset Trail

Sunset Trail
7.8 miles
4 hours
Start: Estero Trailhead
End: Estero Trailhead
Includes: Estero Trail, Sunset Trail, Drakes Estero


Hike 22
May 12, 2013
Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups shows a figure walking away from eight upright cups. He is off to look for the missing piece to complete the picture. For some reason, I cannot write about this card right now. I will share the walk and put the card aside for now.


This week, I headed on an eight-mile hike of the Sunset Trail with my old friend Marianne and her 18 year-old son Dylan.


It seems Dylan inherited his mom's good photography skills. He took a great one of us standing with Home Bay in the background.


This hike was a little more exciting than the last few times having an eighteen-year-old along. Dylan climbed the lone eucalyptus in a series of chimp-like maneuvers.


It was wonderfully warm as we slowed for snacks before wading through cows. I have been amazed that each hike has offered some unforeseen delight, some nuance, combination or detail to delight the senses. As we neared the turn-off for the Sunset Trail, I wondered what surprise might be in store for us.


The surprise was that the trail slowly descended to the mudflats of the Estero. Dylan skippered off, exclaiming about some creature in the shallow water. We had found the crab 'hood! Dylan was so excited he leapt from the bank over the crabby creek and right into the mud.


He took it well, lying on his belly to retrieve his shoes.


His Mom, on the opposite bank, looked for safe passage for her boy. She collected driftwood pieces for a makeshift bridge across the pernicious mud while calling "Dylan. Wait!"


Dylan made it across and we walked along the floor of the Estero.


The soft pink and yellow blossoms of ice plant spread out around our feet. We rested on a giant drift log, marveling at what we discovered.


The way back was beautiful in the late afternoon light.


Dylan went back up the tree. Coming down, he landing in a cow patty and ran ahead in stocking feet toward the car. I stumbled along on aching feet and Marianne continued in her even, good-humored way.

Thanks Marianne and Dylan. I look forward to many more miles on the trail together!


Drakes Head Trail


Estero Trail