We are the wild ones!

Video Transcript

Hi you guys. I just wanted to share these thoughts today.

I was thinking about the words tame and wild. How they're defined is, tame is the ability to get along with humans and wild is the opposite, unable to get along with humans.

I was thinking those words if we just flip them around like, they're very human-centric. We're looking out from our human perspective into the world and um...

If you think of the forest and the squirrels and the trees and the birds singing and the blue sky and then off in the distance they see something coming in. They're like what is that? They're like, oh it's a human. It's a guy with a chainsaw and he's coming closer and all of a sudden…

And they're thinking, what is up with that dude? Like someone has got to reign him in. He's going like totally wild. From their perspective, it's like why can't, you know, those creatures those humans learn to get along with us a little bit better, like to tame themselves?

As Elemental Activists that's what we're doing. We're learning to tame ourselves so that we can get along with the other creatures in nature. So, instead of having it be us looking out at the rest of the world, taking a viewpoint of what we look like to the rest of the living beings on the planet.

So, I think that's a really good place to start because that's something that we each can do ourselves as we're going around the world. Saying, you know, I need to get my needs met, which is the guy who's going out there with a chainsaw. He's saying, in that case, I need to make money. He's probably working for a logging company that is going to take the trees and sell them but thinking about it in a way where, like, it's not about the money.

It's actually about fulfilling needs but in the context of the whole being, like, of all of the creatures that share the world. So, we can say how can I tame myself so that I can get my needs met, meaning whenever I'm gonna turn that tree into. How can I do that in a way where it's for the well-being of all of the creatures who share the world with me?

So, alright, well, thanks and I'd love to hear what you guys think about that if you have thoughts on it. I'll see you later. Thanks. Bye.


Hope for smooth sailing.


Prepare to make peace.