Yarrow floral essence - Achillea millefolium
Yarrow Floral Essence
I started taking this Yarrow floral essence almost two weeks ago.
This is what the maker of the Yarrow floral essence writes about its benefits:
Positive qualities: Luminous and strong auric field, compassionate and inclusive sensitivity, refined and flexible psychic forces
Patterns of imbalance: Extreme vulnerability to others and to the environment; easily depleted, overly absorbent of negative influences, psychic toxicity
Healing theme - strengthen the auric field to allow for healthy vulnerability.
I’m calling on Yarrow to help me strengthen my auric field so I can be vulnerable in the world and not feel depleted.
I got to thinking about the aura and vulnerability. I actively cultivate vulnerability in my way of being. I think it is essential for feeling connected to all living being. I do find, however, remaining vulnerable around a lot of humans is depleting.
Meeting Yarrow at Abbott’s Lagoon.
I went to Abbott’s Lagoon to find yarrow and contemplate how her being might help me with this depletion. At first, I was thinking I might feel depleted because by being vulnerable (open), I’m taking on other people’s negative psychic energy. I remember this sensation from working as a massage therapist and mingling intimately with the energy fields of many people.
To cope with this depletion, I would visualize a protective field around me. This would allow me to stay open, but not take on another person’s energy. I wasn’t totally satisfied with this approach.
Yarrow is complicated and so am I.
The thing I noticed most about the yarrow plant is it’s so complicated. It’s in the Asteracea family which means it doesn’t have a single flower. Each flower is made up of many flowers. Also, the millefolium part of the species name means “a thousand leaves.” The leaves are branching and sort of fern-like.
I got to thinking about how complicated each of us is. We may appear to be one entity, but we are really composed of many living organisms. Our aura is the energetic output of all the tiny lifeforms in our body.
Letting energy flow freely.
The yarrow plant has a taproot connecting it to the earth. Water and nutrients are draw up and circulated to every nook and cranny of the plant. If the plant closed itself down in any way, its parts would lose vitality.
I imagined my energy rising from the earth and through my body and it occurred to me that I was retracting it as a coping mechanism. It feels like a very old habit. I noticed that if I opened myself and let the energy radiate to every part of my body, it would go beyond my body into the space around. It creates the auric field.
Reason for feeling depleted.
By retracting my energy, I was leaving myself open to invasion of external energy. My boundary was somewhere inside myself, rather that out beyond my body.
I realized my depletion was coming from defending my interior from outside energy. If I let my energy radiate freely, it keeps outside energies from every reaching my interior. It strengthens my auric field and allows me to interact with others in neutral territory. Also, I can let go of maintaining the visualization of the extra protective field.
Healthy vulnerability.
It made me realize that vulnerability doesn’t only allow us to let let the world in, it also allows us to keep the world out. It makes us more vital rather than weak. What a relief! Thank you yarrow.
Post Particulars
Plant essence: Yarrow floral essence - Achillea millefolium
Healing theme: stregthen the auric field to allow for healthy vulnerability.
Spiritual location: Point Reyes, California - September 2022
Material location: Point Reyes, California - September 2022