Allow me to introduce myself.


Hi. My name is Sonja Williams and I started Elemental Activist as a way to reach out to other people who want to do their part to change the world and don't know exactly how to be of service.

Not everyone, including myself, is cut-out for protests. I am a powerful yet tender creature who prefers to commune with the Muse and nature spirits. My heart sings its song of peace to any who will listen, but I am not cut out for yelling at the top of my voice. I find my greatest solace in nature and believe in the power of kind thoughts and words.

I believe we can each change the world for the better by becoming more at peace with ourselves. I think of it like real estate; we are all part of the world and if our part is a zone of peace, we have made the world better for everyone. This means I put my focus on how I want things to turn out. I focus on the positive and make a practice of noting what works and do more of that.


I believe we were all born to be happy and at peace. The troubles we have created in the world are human troubles. This is good news because it means although we are the problem, we are also the solution.

In the simplest terms, I believe we can turn the whole thing around and clean up our mess by making one simple change;

we make the well-being of nature our bottom line, instead of money.

If we do this, we can create and make money all we want as long as we do not do it to the detriment of the system which supports us. Nature's well-being is our well-being. 

As an Elemental Activist, I am devoted to the idea that we all change the world every moment just by being in it. The challenge is to change it in ways that make us and the world well.

If you have thoughts on what I have said, please share them. I am writing this in the hope of sparking a long and fruitful conversation with kindred spirits.


Activism for introverts.


Sonja Williams brings Elemental Activist to the Artist in Schools program.