Activism for introverts.


Elemental Activist offers an activism framework for introverts - people who would rather go in than out. It's gentle activism which feels really good.

Little You - Big You

The idea of coming into peace with ourselves implies there are parts trying to harmonize. I think of these parts as the two yous.

The first you is the doer. This is the you that has a name like 'Sonja" or "Eddie". It's what we call ourselves and it gets the job done. I also think of this as Little You.

The second you is the be-er (beer is something else). If you want to connect with this part of you, check in with your breathing. The breath coming and going of its own accord is tapped into the bigger system which creates and supports us all. It is the one that breathes you. To let it breathe you, you have to stop whatever you're doing or thinking. This is the opposite of doing. It's being. I think of this as the Big You.

When the doing you (little) and the being you (big) are at odds with one another we experience anxiety and other discomforts individually and as a culture.

Big You came first

We are all born big. We come into the world completely synced with the bigger system which created us. The Little You develops as we become acculturated into the ways and means of our family and society.

The doing (little) you is the one who makes the world. It is the part of us which currently needs help getting back on course and into harmony with the bigger picture.

Elemental Activist you

Elemental Activist is here to support each and every one of us in getting back in sync with the bigger picture and having our doing reflect a healthy state of being. When we engage in this quiet work it makes us powerful activists.

Here is a short story to better understand the Elemental Activist point of view on who we are and where we are going. It is offered as a starting point to begin our conversation about how to make the world well. It is meant to put us all on the same page. Please let me know what you think. Litte You/Big You


Commit to a new way of being.


Allow me to introduce myself.