Attachment to illusion.

Ruminating on attachment to illusion.

Ruminating on attachment to illusion, I feel sure this is not one of my issues. But, you know how sometimes the problem you think you don’t have is really your biggest problem?

Attachment to cheesy illusions.

black cow icon

I’m thinking about cows. As a cheese eater, I’m attached to the illusion that there is no suffering caused by my choice to buy and eat dairy products. If I let go of the illusion, I have to face the cow with her clamped teats and bellowing calf and give up cheese.

I feel bad for the cow, but it’s easier for me to look away and enjoy my cheese. I hold on to the illusion. This creates cognitive dissonance which makes me uncomfortable. My goal in life is to be comfortable; I want to feel at peace. How can I resolve this?

Obstacles to letting go.

Giving up cheese seems nearly impossible. It’s everywhere. Everyone eats it. My kid wants it and I like it. If I focus on the cheese, let go of the illusion, and face the cow every time I encounter cheese, I’m sad, exhausted and still eating cheese. So I hold on.

The problem is, I’m trying to solve this issue as little, tiny me in a vast and complicated human society. There is so much I can’t control that I give up, live with the discomfort and let society churn on.

Making the spiritual leap.

What I need is to broaden my view. I need to turn my attention away from the cheese and the whole human system that creates it and turn outward toward the cow.

Also, I need to broaden my identity. My little life is part of the greater life of the human species and the human species exists in relationship with other creatures. This identity lets me jump from my tiny, material existence into a broader, spiritual one.

At this point, the human is oppressing and harming (also killing) the cow. I am part of that human. The question is:

Does this behavior bring me peace in nature?

No! I want a loving relationship with the cow. I want to snuggle her and make sure she’s okay.

Since there is no issue of starvation, I can jump from the material to the spiritual and seek a deeper peace in my existence.

Resolving cognitive dissonance.

The illusion I hold on to is one of a hungry human trying everything to keep the body alive. The human species has evolved from this.

We can resolve our cognitive dissonance by realizing we have evolved. We can turn from the cheese, face the cow and make peace with her the priority.

Creating peace with nature.

If I do this, I feel more peaceful. If I feel more peaceful, so does our collective human spirit. My actions also bring resolution to the human conflict with the cow, which creates peace with nature.

Post Particulars

  • Plant essence: California poppy - Eschscholzia californica

  • Healing theme: attachment to illusion

  • Spiritual location: Point Reyes, California - August 2022

  • Material location: Point Reyes, California - August 2022


Web of Life - Nature loves cynical.


Purpose of the human animal.