Fulfill your purpose starting now.

Our purpose is to make ourselves well.


When we feel tied in knots, it's because we are worried: worried about what's happening, what's going to happen and what we should do about it. We want to exercise our personal power to make some future event okay. This never works. We cannot do anything to affect the future without doing it right now. 

If the world seems messed up, let's ask ourselves, How am I right now? If the answer is, I am not well, the only time to do anything about that is right now. When we take care of ourselves now in the small things, the big things take care of themselves. This is because the future is a now reflecting all the choices we make right now. Please allow me to clarify.

Let's talk about time.


Time is a location. We refer to time by our planet's location in rotation on its axis (hours) or its orbit around the sun (days, weeks, months, years).

For example, I say my house will be clean in two weeks. It is now right now and will be now in two weeks. The only difference is our planet will be two weeks worth of distance further along in its predictable orbit. We call that "two weeks from now" but really, that's just now in a different location.

What is important is if I do nothing to clean my house right now, it will never be clean in any now, not this one or the one two weeks down the orbit. Work always happens now. It is happening or it isn't and our reality reflects the result of that work. 

Choose healthy influences.


We must free our energy from worry and use it right now to feel better. This usually means something simple like take a walk, eat something nutritious, talk with a loved one or get some sleep.

When we make these choices, we are using our personal power to select healthy influences. If we sit in the current sea of possible influences they will wash in. Some will be good and some will be bad. It is up to us, to find healthy influences and open to them.

When we open to healthy influences, we are filled with them. We become a healthy influence by their presence within us. Our choices are made in selecting what we allow into us. This includes food, water, air, words, and sensations.

Imagine the possibilities.


So imagine we are all choosing healthy influences. We are breathing healthy air, feeling warm sun, eating healthy food, drinking pure water and listening to kind words. Unhealthy influences have nowhere to go. If we do not choose them, they have nowhere to go and will disappear.

Also, when we choose healthy influences for ourselves, we become a healthy influence for others.

Let go and trust.


When we try to control everything that happens to us, we get worried and stressed. This is because we are taking responsibility for an entire system we did not create. When we realize we are an integral part of a bigger system and subject to its ways and means, we can relax.

We are being lived. To touch this reality, sense your breath. Who is breathing you? Who grows you? Who beats your heart? We are each a flower planted here with the purpose of living and expressing our potential. The part of this process we can control is living well. When we live well, we fulfill our purpose which is to live and be part of the mysterious unfolding of the universe.





Walk outside.


Be governed by love.