Be governed by love.

Be governed by love.

Be love.

When we are open and silent, bliss overtakes. It creeps up from the center of the universe and finds its way into every cell of our being. For this to happen, we must let it happen. We must have the courage to be open. When we feel this bliss, it is love becoming us. We feel well.


Do love.

The challenge is to stay in this state once we stand from our meditations and return to the work of life. Love is experienced as bliss because we are tapped into the source of energy which made us. This energy made us and all living things because it wants us to be alive. We are tapped into the love of life.

Once we move into doing or making, we stay connected to this source when our actions bring results which support life. In acting from love to make a life which supports love, we live in integrity with our purpose. Our purpose is to be alive.


When we open our bodies, minds, and hearts, we allow the life-force to influence us. This source made us so when we let it in, we are becoming more like ourselves. When we act in love, we are supporting ourselves and the system which created us.

Be governed by love.

To be governed is to be controlled, influenced and regulated. Since life made us and imbues us with the energy of life through love, it follows that actions which arise from this state will be governed in a manner which supports life.

To live this way allows us to get out of our heads and feel what is right. Right action comes from connection to love as the source which made us.

Let all of life speak.

When we get trapped in our heads and try to decide what is right, we are being governed by our thoughts which are given to us by other humans. Imagine what thinking would sound like if we had no words from other humans? We could not think without the influence of other humans. But our existence is much greater than the sum total of our human influences.


We arise from a greater universe which has its own way of reasoning and communicating and because we do not speak the language of the universe in words, we experience it in feelings and these feeling can be ineffable, meaning they go beyond words.

So, to be governed by thoughts, arguments, and judgments is limited. It is an effort to govern the infinite with a finite set of concepts confined by human language.

Open to a greater context.

When we open to the greater context and allow it to communicate with us through feeling and intuition, we are able to respond and act in ways which support life. The reason we are here is to live and to be well. Opening to love allows us to act accordingly. 


Fulfill your purpose starting now.


Exercise your right to be fully alive.