Glenbrook Trail

Glenbrook Trail
7.5 miles
4.5 hours
Start: Muddy Hollow Trailhead
End: Muddy Hollow Trailhead
Includes: Muddy Hollow Road, Glenbrook Trail, Estero Trail, Muddy Hollow Trail


Hike 29
July 2, 2013
Ace of Wands

Getting to the Glenbrook Trail is a commitment; you have to hike at least a few miles to get there. I started at the Muddy Hollow Trailhead and took the Muddy Hollow Road. It was a sunny day. Flowers bloomed, bees buzzed.


The Sticky Monkey flower was in full bloom.


I was nearly overwhelmed by flowery charmingness near Glenbrook Creek; the trail was fairly overgrown.


Glenbrook Trail is short and scrubby. I met Coyote here. Spotting me, he stopped and stared. As he crossed the trail, less than ten-feet away, he watched me for any sudden moves. Before disappearing into the brush, he paused and looked at me over his right shoulder. I was thrilled to see this handsome creature on his home-turf. I quelled the impulse to follow him.


I hit the Estero Trail with four miles left to hike. As I descended toward the Estero, it became misty. I heard the distinctive bugling of the Tule Elk rutting. It sounded like someone doing a nasal whistle and then grunting into a coffee can. I could hear the elk, but not see them.


I walked through a lovely stand of eucalyptus, a sure sign of a former ranching site,


and down into the bog of the estero.


It was like entering a foreign land filled with exotic inhabitants. This dazzling Blue Gentian caught my eye. I feel like I've made a new friend; and what a beauty!


Nearing the end of the trail, my heart quickened at the site of this unusual bloom. I took it home as a memento - pretty trash.

The suit of wands represents health specifically in terms of life-energy. Summer is the time to contemplate the source and use of our energy, since life is busting out all around. Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, elk are bugling. Also, fruits are ripening.

When we are born, we are bestowed with our essence of life. We sustain our energy in a fluid relationship with the environment through our air, food and water. The quality of what we take in, determines the quality of energy we have available to live and do what we want with our lives.

We decide the quality of energy available to us through our actions as caretakers of this glorious Earth. It is up to us to care for ourselves, the Earth and all of her creatures. When we love something, we are inspired to care for it. Hiking nourishes my love.


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