Laguna Trail

Laguna Trail
5 miles
3.5 hours
Start: Point Reyes Hostel
End: Point Reyes Hostel
Includes: Laguna Trail, Fire Lane Trail, Coast Trail


Hike 30
July 9, 2013
Two of Wands

I started at the Point Reyes Hostel and headed down the Laguna Trail. The sky was blue and the world alive with flowers. The first wash of delicate spring flowers was replace by the heartier varieties adapted to the summer sun.


This brought me to the Fire Lane Trail which wends down toward the ocean.


I took the small detour from the trail to Coast Camp. I found a mamma black-tailed deer and her fawn grazing by the road. I watched until they made their way behind the trees.


A large eucalyptus tree marks the entrance to Coast Camp from Santa Maria Beach.


The Coast Trail opens like a road on a low bluff just above Santa Maria Beach.


I resisted gentle waves and soft sand and stayed on the trail, curious to see where it went.

I felt sad for a friend whose health had turned for the worse. I took a long time walking, needing the unconditional solace of nature.


The Coast Trail turned inland and passed a riparian corridor.

Flowers grew amid the human-strewn gravel. I eventually made it back to my car near the hostel feeling soothed and grateful for the beauty of this place.

The two of wands is about choice. Wands stand for life-energy. By virtue of our birth, we are entrusted with this gift. Each of us must decide how to use our energy. The fate of the world is in our hands. Taking time to decide what we are going to do and why we are doing it is a service to the world. It means we are not squandering our most precious gift on ill-considered actions, which manifest unsatisfying or even harmful results.


Fire Lane Trail


Glenbrook Trail