Horse Trail

Horse Trail
2 miles
1.75 hours
Start: Limantour Road
End: Limantour Road
Includes: Horse Trail, Kule Loklo

Hike 33
July 26, 2013


My boy and I picked-up the Horse Trail where it begins at Bear Valley and Limantour roads. We headed toward Kule Loklo.


We stopped to examine a dead blue jay. He was beautiful and a bit stuck, so we didn't turn him over. That Nature creates creatures with such brilliant colors and sends them singing into the world is astonishing!


Tender wild flowers grew here and there. Desmond used this one as a landmark on his mental map to know how far along we were on the way back. He said "Next we'll see the purple flower." And sure enough, we did. Pretty neat.


The blackberries were ripe and we feasted. I made a mental note of these bushes for next year.


Desmond made a wish. He didn't tell me what it was, but it might have had something to do with restoring dinosaurs to the earth. He really wants to see them.


We made it to Kule Loklo. This venerable oak stands at its center. Kule Loklo is a Native American village build by the park service. It is build to resemble a village of the local Miwok people. Desmond was excited to see a place he recognized. He is interested in Native American wisdom and practices.


Desmond didn't like the tickling of the tall grass through his shoes. He took them off for the walk back and made it 200 yards before having to sit down to remove pricklers. It took a long time to get them all out and many putting-on and taking-offs of shoes before we could continue.


Comfort restored, we were back on the trail. I am always so happy to have a chance to take Desmond with me on my hikes. I can think of no more satisfying way of enjoying our beautiful world together. I hope, in time, he comes to feel the same way.


Mount Wittenberg Trail


Woodpecker Trail