Woodpecker Trail
Woodpecker Trail
.7 miles
1 hours
Start: Bear Valley Visitor Center
End: Bear Valley Visitor Center
Includes: Woodpecker Trail
Hike 32
July 25, 2013
The Woodpecker Trail is a charming trail starting near the Bear Valley Visitor Center. It is less than a mile and covers a number of habitats. It has interpretive signs very useful in understanding what there is to see. I often send families with kids on this trail.
It starts in oak woodlands.
California poppies soaked in sunshine.
I moved into a shaded, Douglas Fir forest.
The trail is well-built, making it an easy, comfortable walk.
The Bay laurel trees are impressive.
I exited the forest above the Bear Valley Visitor Center and was greeted by a stunning view of Elephant Mountain.
Usnea lichen swayed in the warm breeze.
I turned back for a glimpse of the distinctive tall, straight silhouette of the Douglas Fir.