Commit to a new way of being.


If you do not feel well in body and spirit, it might be time to choose a new path and commit to a new way of being.

The Thinking Path


One way of being is as our socially defined self. On this path, we make plans and move forward based on what we think we should be doing. It is a thinking path.

The problem is what we think we should be doing is formed from a variety of sources which often are conflicting. We can't fulfill the perceived expectations of our parents, other family members, friends, bosses, coworkers and anyone else who influences us. We might stay on this path because it is familiar even if it leads to frustration and pain.

The Feeling Path


Another way of being is as our naturally defined self. On this path, we make plans and move forward based on what feels right. It is a feeling path.

It takes great courage to pursue this path because what we feel is often contrary to what we think. Going in a new direction can be frightening because we do not know what lies ahead. 

We must have faith, faith in the inherent rightness of the world and ourselves. We must trust that we are meant to feel well and that even if we head out on our own to seek our bliss we will not be abandoned.


This is the path of the Elemental Activist. Getting right with ourselves is a service to the world. 


Take responsibility for what you create.


Activism for introverts.