Exercise your right to be fully alive.


Each of us has the right to live fully. We live more fully when we allow ourselves to be moved by life. To be moved by life means we open our senses and allow the world in.


Relax and allow the world in.

Sensation enters us through sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

Substance enters us through skin, nose, and mouth via air, drink, and food.

For us to open fully to the sensation and substance of the world, we must relax. To relax, we must be in a non-threatening environment. A threatening environment causes us to withdraw our senses and close to the world to protect ourselves. 

Choose healthy influences.

To live fully we must choose safe and peaceful environments. This allows us to fully open to life. Choosing healthy environments means we are choosing our influences.

If we choose unpleasant, abrasive influences we are willingly missing opportunities to be fully alive.

For protection, our bodies will naturally close to an abrasive influence.


Feel well.

To be fully alive is to be powerful. When we open to the sensation and substance of the world we become responsive. We feel. When our influences are healthy and life-supporting, we feel well. 

Tap into the power of being fully alive by consciously reducing abrasive, threatening influences.

This means: choose to ingest substances which are healthy for you like clean food, water, and air.

This means: socialize with kind, genuine people with whom you can relax, let down your guard and feel.

This means: socialize with nature. She is fully accepting, non-judgemental and deeply beautiful.


Make social media a healthy influence.

Social media offers a wide variety of influences. If you follow or friend someone, you are giving them permission to influence you. If you find their influence abrasive or threatening take back your power to live fully by denying them permission to influence you. This means unfollow or unfriend them. 

We all have the right to live fully and we exercise that right by consciously choosing life-supporting influences.


Be governed by love.


How to prevent shootings.