Take responsibility for what you create.


We are always creating. Any time we use our life-energy to think, talk or act we are changing the world. If we do this unconsciously we perpetuate the status quo. When we do this consciously we change the world according to what we value.


What we value arises from our worldview. A worldview of ourselves as an integral part of nature helps us value the well-being of others. We see that every action we make has consequences for all beings who share our planet. This worldview allows us to see that our needs are fulfilled when we all have what we need. We all need clean air, water, and earth


 When we act to fulfill our creature needs in ways that jeopardize these essentials we are operating from a limited worldview


When we expand our worldview we see that we are part of an ongoing cycle. It is like an origami project where we are folding and refolding the same piece of paper with every action we make. We can create haphazardly and end-up with the art piece we have now or we can create consciously with care and skill and create something beautiful.


Through birth, nature gave us the power to create and she replenishes it through air, water, and food. To act in ways which undermine the source of our own power is pathological.


At Elemental Activist we take responsibility for our actions and their consequences to the well-being of nature and all who rely on it. Love nature.


How to prevent shootings.


Commit to a new way of being.