How to prevent shootings.


To prevent shootings stop using guns.

Humans use life-energy to fulfill needs.

Humans are animals. We use our life-energy to fulfill our creature needs.

Humans have a unique ability to create.

We use our life-energy to create objects which help us fulfill our creature needs.

For example:

We've gone way beyond gathering food in the forest and putting it straight into our mouths. We have jobs to earn money to buy food from other people who grow it. We have refrigerators to store it in and stoves in which to cook it.

Objects fulfill needs.

Each object is created for a specific purpose and the purpose is to fulfill a need and every need we have winds back to the essential need, which is to stay alive.

All objects begin as feelings, for example, I am cold.

The feeling leads to thoughts, for example, how can I get warm?

Our mind considers options and we use our life-energy to get up and get a blanket (or coat, etc) or to make one or create the first one if it has never existed. 

Guns fulfill needs.

So let's look at the feelings that might have lead to the creation of the gun:

I am afraid.
I am angry.
I am hungry.
I am bored.

When our minds search for ways to fulfill these needs does it find a gun as the only solution?

Humans evolve.

When our minds were smaller killing people efficiently to seize their resources or to protect ourselves in an attack seemed like a good idea. But as the world gets smaller and our minds get bigger we see that the person on the other end of the bullet could just as easily be us or someone we love.

Our essential need is to stay alive.

We see that killing another person because we are afraid, angry, hungry or bored is not a good solution to staying alive.

If we continue to use guns to fulfill our needs we will all end up dead.

How we prevent shootings.

We couldn't know the consequences of guns before the first gun was made. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Now that we see the consequences, we can turn our focus to other solutions.

There is no shame in what we have done in the past.

It only matters what we do now.

So, to prevent shootings we must:

Stop shooting guns.
Stop having guns.
Stop buying guns.
Stop selling guns.
Stop making guns.

Stop virtually shooting people.
Stop our kids from virtually shooting people.

Life without guns.

There was a time before guns and there can be a time after guns.

Our minds are big enough to create ways of fulfilling our needs without doing it at another's expense.

If you really want to keep your gun ask yourself why and channel your creative energy into discovering new ways to fulfill those needs.


Exercise your right to be fully alive.


Take responsibility for what you create.